It would be nice to have a bird's eye-view of life. In the sermon today, the visiting pastor described how different life would be if we were always tuned in with God. It would be as if we are up on his shoulders seeing the world as He sees it. I imagine it would feel sort of like an eagle soaring and then recall the verse that says (can't remember the reference right now, it is in Isaiah) Those who hope in the Lord....We will soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. In order to see God's perspective, it takes time in the word, worship, prayer and communion with Him.
It can be overwhelming listening to the news filled with natural disasters, crime, death etc.... However, God calls us to see things from his perspective. He cares about all those things but he can help us see how we can use those circumstances in life for His Good and Purpose!
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