I have been pulling weeds in my free time this spring... I have an abundance of weeds. The most popular weed is wild strawberry. An appropriate name for a wild weed. The problem is that it is growing among my evening primrose. Primrose grows a little like weed too but I don't consider it a weed because its flowers are so pretty and it is not overly invasive. Then there is another weed that grows like a vine. I'm not sure what it is called, it has a white trumpet flower a little like a morning glory. It is a terrible weed because it winds itself around everything. When I pull it too quickly, I end up killing the flower or plant that it has wound itself around. So I have to gently unwind the vine from the plant. As I weed, I like to think of analogies. Today's analogy is how being a gardener who weeds is like God caring for us. He cares about the details in our lives. He cares enough to unwind the vines(sin) that choke us. After I have released the primrose from the choking vine it is free from the burden of the other plant waying it down. It sways in the breeze. It can bloom and be what it should be.
I'm excited that I don't have any wild strawberry weeds in my real strawberry patch! Yet! I picked my first Strawberries today! I'm so excited. They are beautiful, sweet and a little tangy! Yummy! I picked some a little early before the bugs and other critters get them.
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