I am thankful for the rain and wind last night! I could hear the power of God in the thunder and see it in the lightening!Hopefully, the storm blew all that pollen away! Sorry Bees, I'm sure that you would like some of that pollen. God provides for all our needs. He gives us rain, wind and the much needed sun today. The sun brightens our world. I'm thankful that Jesus is the light of the world. It is amazing to me how all the planets revolve around the sun. That is just as it is supposed to be. God as the center of our universe. Things don't work out when I try to put myself as the focus because God designed it so that He would be the source of energy, light, love and goodness. It surely doesn't come from within me.
This is a photograph of my butterfly garden two summers ago. These beautiful orange flowers popped up in the garden and the butterflies loved them. The flowers remind me of the sun. The butterflies symbolize how we are changed into a new creation when we begin a relationship with God's Son! Sonshine!